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Holiday Toy Safety

HolidayToySafe Kids USA says each year about 168,000 children, ages 14 and under, are treated in emergency rooms for toy-related injuries.  But those incidents can be prevented with some extra caution.  Use the following safety tips when choosing toys for children this holiday season:
• For children under 3, avoid toys with small parts, which can cause choking.
• Select toys to suit the age, abilities, skills and interest level of the intended child.
• For children under 8, avoid toys with sharp edges and electric toys with heating parts.
• Look for labels indicating age and safety advice.
When it comes to choosing toys, sometimes it’s best to go with a name you know. Look for manufacturers who are well known in the toy business.
Safe storage is important as well.  A toy or game with small pieces may be appropriate for an older child, but store it away from the younger ones.