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Fall Home Maintenance


F. Scott Fitzgerald once said “Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall”.  You can be sure to enjoy “life anew” all winter long by following these simple home maintenance tips to keep your home warm and safe in the coming months.

  1. Be sure to replace or clean your furnace filter and have your furnace cleaned and inspected by a certified professional.
  2. If storing power equipment or lawn equipment that is gas powered, be sure to keep it and other flammable materials away from wiring and water heaters.
  3. Insulate any water pipes that are exposed to frigid temperatures. During extreme cold, you can also turn up the thermostat to keep pipes from freezing or bursting.
  4. Check gutters and clear them of any leaves or other debris that may accumulate.
  5. Have your chimney cleaned and necessary repairs made my a licensed professional.
  6. Replace any caulking around doors and windows that shows signs of deterioration.

Get your house ready this Fall and enjoy a warm, cozy winter!