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7 Easy Steps to Prevent Home Cooking Fires

Winter is a great time for firing up the oven and/or stove to create those comfort foods that warm the heart and soul. But many times, families end up out in the cold to escape the home when a cooking fire starts. Two of every five reported home fires start in the kitchen – with unattended cooking equipment being the leading cause of home cooking fires. Fortunately, a bit of planning and care, these fires can easily be prevented. Here are some tips to maximize fun and avoid fires:
•Never leave cooking equipment unattended and if you have to leave the room, turn off burners.
•Be sure your oven stovetop are free of grease and dust. Inspect exhaust hood and duct over the stove regularly to ensure they are clean.
•Keep items that can ignite such as towels, napkins, and pot holders away from the cooking area.
•Be sure countertop appliances are plugged into Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI)-protected outlets.
•Wear close fitting sleeves to prevent clothes from igniting.
•Use the back burners to protect children in the home from spills and burns and turn pot handles in, away from reaching hands.
•Keep appliances/electrical cords away from wet or hot surfaces and unplug appliances when not in use.