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4 Ways to Protect Your Home from Hurricane Damage

Summer’s hurricanes and tropical storms often unleash powerful, sustained rainfall which can overburden drainage systems and lead to significant flooding. In the U.S., floods are ranked no. 1 among natural disasters, resulting in substantial monetary losses in both property and personal belongings. 

While there is little one can do to prevent severe weather brought on by tropical storms and hurricanes, there are some steps homeowners can take to prevent or minimize damage to their home. With that in mind, here are 4 ways to protect your home during hurricane season:

1 – Survey trees on your property around the home. High winds from hurricanes can result in broken branches and fallen trees. In order to protect your home from the damage that can result from a toppled tree or flying branches, be sure to remove anything that appears dead or dying. And consider having trees trimmed routinely since the weight of limbs can cause undue stress on the trunk making it easier for the tree to fall.

2 – Prevent wind from entering the home. Once hurricane winds gain access to a home’s interior, damage to the structure becomes exponential. Reinforce windows, doors, and be sure the roof is secure enough to withstand strong winds. Pay special attention to garage doors, which can be particularly vulnerable and retrofit if necessary.

3 – Have a battery backup system for your sump pump. Hurricanes and their inevitable flooding can cause widespread power outages. Having a battery backup will keep the pump running and aid in preventing interior flooding and damage

4 – Ensure that you have the proper insurance to cover losses in the event your home sustains damage or flooding due to a hurricane. Talk to one of the friendly professionals at Huntingdon Insurance Group at 215-942-0616 to assess your needs and get a FREE, no-obligation estimate.