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4 Ways To Be The Perfect Party Guest This New Year’s Eve

newyearNew Year’s Eve is a time for celebration! Many will host a New Year’s Eve party in their home – and for those, there is abundant information on how to be the perfect host/hostess and throw a magnificent soiree. However, the majority of us who head out on New Year’s Eve will be guests – and it is just as important to be a stand-out guest at is it a host or hostess. With that in mind, here are some tips on being the kind of guest that will get you invited back again and again:

– Ask the host or hostess if you can bring a dish or beverage. If you are asked to bring a dish, consider a vegetable tray. It will be appreciated by those resolving to eat more sensibly in the New Year. If bringing wine, don’t hesitate to bring a nice bottle with a screw-top cap. It will save you, your host/hostess, and other guests from the hassle of attempting to locate a misplaced wine bottle opener.

– Brush up on interesting topics to talk about by a quick review of the latest news – but stay away from politics or other “hot button” issues. If you know others who will be at the party, take time to think about something special that might be going in their lives or a previous conversation where they mentioned something about which you can follow up. It’s not only a great conversation starter, but they will be grateful that what was going on in their lives was important enough for you remember.

– Drinking too much is never an option – the resulting behavior, and the possible unfortunate physical ramifications, are not good memory-makers for you or others at the event. Also, be prepared to run into those who have had too much to drink. It’s always good policy to simply be gracious, step aside, and be on your way.

– Additionally, don’t plan on staying overnight at the party. If you are drinking, plan ahead to have a designated driver or other means of transportation home. New technology makes it easier than ever to get that ride – Apps such as “Uber”, “Lyft”, and “Flywheel” are just some of the options New Year’s party-goers have to get home safely. Additionally, Uber will donate $1 to MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) for every ride in the U.S. between 6p New Year’s Eve and 6a New Years Day for riders using the promo code “MADDNYE”.