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Protect Your Most Treasured Valuables and More With Add-On Insurance

umbrellaAs a homeowner, you already know how important homeowners insurance is to cover disasters such as damage due to fire, lightning, hail, explosions and theft. But did you know you can purchase supplemental protection to cover high-value items and also protect against identity theft and liability? Here are some things you might consider adding on to your regular homeowners insurance policy:

High Value Items:  The basic homeowners policy typically covers valuables up to a certain amount, but if you have high value items such as fine jewelry, furs, artwork, antiques and/or other collectibles, you will want to cover these items for their full value. This type of insurance can cover a stone coming loose from a diamond ring or a treasured collectible that is accidentally broken. These high-value items can be protected by simply adding a rider to your basic homeowners policy.

Identity Theft:  Today, identity theft has become an increasingly prevalent issue. The time and expense involved in recovering one’s identity can be overwhelming. Because of this, many are opting to purchase add-on insurance for identity theft which can cover reimbursement of expenses as well as resolution services to help reclaim your identity and restore credit. This is an invaluable addition to any homeowners insurance policy you may have.

Umbrella Coverage:  Another valuable add-on to your homeowners policy, umbrella coverage adds an extra layer of liability coverage. Most policies, even the better ones, have a maximum liability coverage of $100,000. The umbrella policy “kicks in” where the existing coverage ends, covering you for $1,000,000 in liability or more. In addition, umbrella insurance also covers worldwide travel while most typical policies cover incidents in the U.S. and Canada only. Umbrella insurance also covers situations that may not be covered by another policy such as libel and slander.

Add-on coverage is surprisingly affordable and can give you that extra protection tailored to your specific needs. To find out more or to get a FREE, no-obligation quote, contact George Benonis or Paul Martin at (215)942-0616 or quotes@huntingdonins.com.