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7 Ways to be Safe on a Boat this Summer

Boating season is officially here! Use these following tips to keep your boating season safe and enjoyable.

1) Be sure to properly fuel your boat – vapors from gasoline can spread rapidly to enclosed spaces so always run your blower for several minutes after fueling. Check all enclosed spaces by smelling for gasoline prior to starting your boat to be sure all vapors are cleared.

2) Wear a life jacket while boating – it is estimated that hundreds of lives could be saved yearly if boaters take the time to do this simple step.

3) Keep fire extinguishers in multiple areas on your boat. Be sure they are “B” category, which means they are effective against fires from flammable liquids and gas-based fires.

4) Don’t drink and boat. Alcohol use is the leading contributing factor in fatal boating accidents.

5) Watch the weather. Weather can change quickly while you’re out on the water so be sure to check the Weather Channel, local TV/radio, or visit the NOAA website. Take heed if the weather calls for Small Craft Advisories or storm warnings.

6) Participate in the Vessel Safety Check (VSC) Program. The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary and U.S. Power Squadron are volunteer organizations that offer this free service. Learn more at safetyseal.net.

7) Be sure your boat is properly insured. Boat insurance policies can cover:
• Damage in the event of a collision
• Bodily injury or damage to the property of others
• Personal property on the boat
• Assistance to transport your boat when you’re stranded
• Gas delivery for boats and towing assistance

To learn more, talk to an agent at Huntingdon Insurance at (215) 942-0616 for a FREE No Obligation Quote or contact George Benonis or Maria Morgan at Huntingdon Insurance via email at quotes@huntingdonins.com.