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5 Top High-Tech Home Safety Gadgets


New technologies have made home and personal safety more accessible, cost effective, and convenient than ever. Aside from protecting your home, loved ones, and valuables, having these new safety devices can also save you money on your insurance premiums. But with the seemingly endless list of new-tech home gadgets available, it’s difficult to choose which ones provide the greatest benefit for your dollar. Here are five of our top picks:

  1. Remote garage door openers allow you to monitor and/or remotely open or close your garage via an app on your smartphone. It can allow you to grant access for a delivery person to drop off goods or a neighbor in while you are on vacation.  The app also alerts you when someone activates the garage door so you can know that the kids made it home safely from school (or that there is an intruder).
  2. Wi-Fi security cameras enable you to monitor your home, inside and/or outside from wherever you are via your smartphone. Many have two-way communication capabilities with a built-in speaker/microphone.
  3. Much like the Wi-Fi security cameral, smart lighting and/or smart doorbells have cameras that alert you to visitors approaching your home by sending video to your smartphone or computer. Some models come equipped with an “intercom” so you can talk to the visitor from wherever you are.
  4. Moisture alerts detect water in areas likely to leak and send a message to your smartphone if there is excess moisture. Some models can also detect temperature changes so that you can address a frozen pipe problem early, before it becomes a disaster.
  5. Today’s smoke/CO2 detectors can be connected to your smartphone for a detection alert even when you’re not home. One of the great built-in features is that in the event of a false detection, such as burning food, etc., the simple wave a towel or your hand near unit turns the alarm off.

For an entire range of new-tech safety devices for the home, check out these useful sites: http://www.goodhousekeeping.com/home/a32372/home-safety-tech-devices/ http://www.securitydegreehub.com/10-high-tech-home-safety-security-products-in-2016/ And to see how much you can save on insurance, or for a free quote, contact the friendly professionals at Huntingdon Insurance at (215) 942-0616.