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Convertible Safety Tips for Spring

convertibleIf you’re a convertible enthusiast, there’s no better way to celebrate spring than putting the top down and hitting the road. As anyone who’s driven, or ridden in, a convertible can attest, the riding experience is much different from that of your standard automobile. But while driving excitement is optimal, so too must be safety. In fact, safety is the single biggest issue when driving a convertible. With that in mind, here are some tips to maximize both safety and excitement.

Wear Appropriate Eye Gear
Because the open top allows for debris such as bugs, loose rocks, branches and leaves to enter the vehicle, you will want to don those shades and have your passengers do the same.

Wear Seat Belts
While being buckled in is the law, it’s especially critical when riding in a convertible. Seat belts keep you and your passengers from being thrown from the vehicle in the event of a collision – greatly reducing the chance of fatalities. Even in the absence of an accident, there is a very real danger of being thrown from the car on a sharp turn or decline so be sure to buckle up!

Have Passengers Stay Put
Although it’s tempting (as evidenced by the multitude of teen movies that feature it) for passengers to move from seat to seat in an open car while it is in motion, this is one of the major ways injuries occur. Be sure your passengers stay put and do not stand or switch seats unless the vehicle is pulled over and comes to a complete stop.

Secure Loose Items
Wind funnels through an open vehicle at amazingly high speeds and can take with it any loose items such as candy or food wrappers, empty cups, water bottles and papers. It’s important to secure or dispose of these items before driving to prevent them from getting blown away and/or becoming a distraction or source of injury to you or to other drivers.

Know How to Close Your Roof Before it Rains!
You won’t want to be stuck in a downpour trying to figure out your roof controls so be sure to familiarize yourself with them ahead of time. Additionally, even if there is just a slight drizzle, it’s a wise move to close the roof immediately as sudden lightning or downpours can often follow that will not only ruin the vehicle’s interior but can cause injury.