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6 Back-to-School Driving Safety Tips

It won’t be long before many children don their newly-purchased back-to-school items and head for the classroom once again. For drivers, this translates to extra caution when commuting, particularly during the beginning and end of the school day. More school-age pedestrians have been killed during the hours of 3pm and 4pm than any other time of day. But by keeping alert and using these following safety tips, everyone can look forward to a safe and productive school year ahead:

1) Be on the lookout for school buses that are loading or unloading children and always stop when you see a bus with red lights flashing and stop sign extended.

2) Watch for children walking near bus stops, and on streets, sidewalks, and school parking lots.

3) When driving in a school zone, slow down and observe the speed limit.

4) Never pass other vehicles or change lanes while driving in a school zone.

5) Do not text while driving in a school zone and avoid using a cell phone unless it is hands free.

6) Be aware of school crossing guards and follow their signals.